
SEO is the process of improving your website’s visibility in search engines. This can be achieved by achieving a high-ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs) through organic searches and increasing traffic from other sources. An independent SEO consultant Sydney can provide high ranking search engine results.

1. You can rank for any keyword

SEO is a long-term strategy that can be measured and tracked. It’s also free (or at least cheap).

SEO is an investment in your online business, and it can help you rank for any keyword.

2. It’s easy to track

SEO is easy to track. You can see how much traffic you are getting from a particular keyword, how much money you are making from a particular keyword and how much time you spend on SEO. This will help you improve your website content, products and services as per your customers’ needs.

3. It’s a long-term strategy

SEO is a long-term strategy. It takes time to see results, and you won’t be able to rank highly for every keyword in your industry right away. But over time, if you consistently add content that’s valuable to your audience and optimize that content for search engines, you can build up rankings for keywords that people actually search for on Google (or other search engines).

SEO isn’t just about getting traffic; it’s about getting the right kind of traffic–traffic from people who are interested in what you have to offer. The better job you do at attracting customers who fit well with what you’re selling or offering as an expert service provider, the more likely those customers will become repeat buyers or clients over time!

4. Results are measurable

SEO is measurable because you can track the number of visitors and sales that come from your website. You can also track how much time it takes for your site to load, as well as the number of people who click on your links.

SEO is not just about getting traffic to your website; it’s also about making sure that visitors stick around long enough to convert into customers or subscribers. If someone lands on one page, but leaves after reading only one line of text, then that’s a wasted opportunity for conversion–and potentially lost revenue as well!

5. It’s free! (erm, sort of)

In the sense that you don’t have to pay for it, SEO is free. However, there are many other expenses associated with running an online business that you need to consider when deciding whether or not your budget can afford SEO.

Hosting and domain name registration are two of the most common costs associated with getting started with an online business. If you already own a domain name, then these two expenses won’t apply; but if not, be prepared for them! The price varies depending on which provider or registrar you use and how long the registration lasts (you may also need additional services such as web hosting). You could also choose not to own your own website at all–instead running everything through social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter where users can find content without having any knowledge about “websites”. But then again…why would anyone want this?

SEO isn’t free in terms of time either: unless someone else does all of the work for you (which would defeat its purpose), then there will be considerable effort involved in ensuring that search engines understand what exactly makes up each page on your site so that they can properly index them accordingly over time based upon their relevance within those specific contexts.”

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important part of building an online business that grows over time.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important part of building an online business that grows over time. SEO is a long-term strategy, which means you can’t expect to see results right away. In fact, it’s likely that your site won’t show up in search engines until it gets enough visitors and has been around for awhile. But once it does start ranking well in search results, those rankings will continue to improve over time as more people visit and link back to your website from other sites on the web–and then those new visitors will bring even more traffic with them when they come back later!

This doesn’t mean there aren’t factors besides time involved in getting good rankings though: if someone else uses black hat techniques like buying links or using automated programs like bots to artificially boost their rankings (which we strongly advise against), then those sites might end up higher than yours even though they don’t deserve it as much because their content isn’t nearly as valuable or helpful as yours would be if only people knew about it yet!


We hope that this post has helped you understand why SEO is so important for your business. It’s a long-term strategy that will help you grow over time and can be measured by results. If you’re looking to get started with SEO, we recommend checking out our guide on how to optimize your website for search engines – it will walk through everything from keywords and copywriting all the way down to technical aspects like site architecture or URL structure! This website will walk you through their SEO process.

Why SEO Is important in your online business?